Took this pic of Jeff about 6 weeks ago and since then he has continued training and eating properly (not dieting). He has lost 9 additional pounds from when this picture was taken and is still working hard. He has a cheat day once a weak and carb cycles on the other 6 days tricking his body into burning fat. To no surprise, this 5'7" monster bench presses over 300lbs, always pushes me on "Death by Burpees", does Sean T's T25 every day, and can do anywhere from 12-15 strict pull-ups without struggling. Dealing with calf and knee problems Dr. Green had to cut back on running and has since began exploring the cross training avenue more so than ever. Attitude, perseverance, and consistency are the reasons for his success in the past few weeks. I am very proud that Jeff is my dad and I love him a lot! Hope you see this big guy! I mean little guy hahaha
"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see."- Winston Churchill
1. Clean Complex:
5 Rounds
2 Hang Cleans
2 Hang Squat Cleans
2 Full Cleans
Go as heavy as possible, focus on form, and rest 1 minute between rounds
2. 3 x 5 Back Squats, Climb
3. 4 Rounds:
Row 500
21 Burpees
10 DB Snatches 75/45
4. Accessory Work
3 rounds of:
20 Hip Thrusts
Strict C2B pull ups
10 Double KB/DB Stiff
Leg Deficit Dead Lifts
10 Double KB/DB
Bent-over Row
Rest as needed between rounds this is not for time.