Thursday, November 6, 2014

Friday 11/7/14

"Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.” - Charles F. Kettering
1. Deadlift 3 x 3, Climb
2. Running Day!
A. 2-4 Mile Run (Depending on Ability)
B. Intervals
2 x Mile Repeats - 5 Min Rest
2 x 800 Meter Repeats - 3 Min Rest
2 x 400 Meter Repeats - 2 Min Rest
C. 2 Mile Cool Down Run
3. Max Handstand Push-Ups


  1. Hey Justin,
    I love your site. Your quotes are inspirational! Do you think it is better to work out in the morning or in the evening? I am also curious if you do all of your posted workouts?

  2. Hey Kat,

    Great Question! It is better to workout early in the morning if your goal is to jumpstart your day and guarantee that you won't be too drained after a long day at work to come to the gym. However, It is better to workout in the evening if your goal is to perform your best and reduce injury. The risk of spinal cord injury is greatly increased in the morning. There was a study done on professional soccer players on how well they performed playing in the morning vs. night. The study showed they actually played their best around 7pm. However, most successful athletes train earlier in the day when testosterone levels are at their highest and when they have just woken up from a good nights sleep. So the evidence somewhat contradicts itself but your question was not about when do you perform your best it was about when is the best time to workout for the most gains and that would be in the morning when you are fresh and your body is in a muscle building zone. Just make sure to warm-up for at least 10-15 minutes!

    I have done all of the posted workouts but I currently program my own stuff a little differently than what I put up for the general programming. I am recovering from a disc related injury so I have been doing a lot of more traditional weight lifting instead of high intensity cross training. I hope to get back into it in a couple months!

    Thank you for your feedback!!

